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Allocation of Discounted Housing in Mallard Way

15 July 2020

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Hollesley Parish Council will not be involved in the allocation procedure for the housing on offer in Mallard Way. All legal agreements and conditions placed on planning applications are managed by the Local Planning Authority, in this case East Suffolk Council (ESC).

However, we have alerted both the Planning and Housing Teams at ESC to the communication from the developer and we are fully confident they will manage the process. We have also contacted the developers and they will keep the Parish Council informed of the level of interest. Furthermore we have asked if they can share the criteria they will use to allocate the housing. Once this is received we will happily share it with any interested parties.

Just to add, Hollesley PC did meet with the developers a few months ago when they applied to amend the legal agreement that covers this housing. We made suggestions for amendments to the arrangement that would give Hollesley residents a greater chance of owning one of these houses and then, and only if the houses were not allocated to ‘Hollesley people’ , was the offer to be opened up to residents from surrounding villages.

We do hope this explanation discharges any fears or concerns people are reported to have regarding this housing. If you do have concerns please bring these straight to the Parish Council (contact details below) where we will be very happy to assist you.